

What is the most important part of any construction?

You got it right. The foundation !!!

Any building is based on its foundations. No matter how well constructed the rest of the building is, if its foundation is unstable, over time it will present problems. They can be relatively small, such as landslides, but can lead to damage to floors, cracked walls, and even plumbing problems. More serious issues regarding the foundation of the construction may even lead to its collapse.

Geotechnical drilling is important for the research required to ensure that the soil is solid for the foundation of buildings, especially large ones, eg apartment buildings, hotels, shopping malls, etc. It is also particularly important in coastal construction, where soils are often loose and unstable.

Geotechnical drilling involves the collection of representative rock and soil samples below the desired foundation depths, at selected site locations. Drilling core samples (carrot sapling) are used to create a soil and subsoil profile. This profile helps to find possible unsafe rocks, to assess soils and in general to determine the conditions for a safe foundation. By determining this we can prevent dangerous situations that may be caused by earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters.

Depending on the size of the construction, drilling equipment can be manual or larger drills.

Proper and specialized use of drilling equipment ensures that there will be no construction problems and failures.